Tuesday, January 2, 2018

新加坡,乌敏岛露营行 | Singapore, Pulau Ubin | 30-31 December 2017


Pulau Ubin, a part of Singapore that hasn't been develop. As the forest here is still very raw, we can easily find lots of different species of animals and insects. It is completely different from Singapore mainland.

30 Dec,我们大家来到了樟宜小贩中心早餐。这里的食物看起来是超级赞的啦~!!吃素的我当然只能叫了盘豆腐罗惹咯~~ 

30 Dec,We gather at this Changi Food Market for breakfast. The food here looks super nice!!! However, as a vegetarian, I ordered myself a tofu rojak~~


After the filling breakfast, we gather our tent, food, water and luggage at a spot. Let's the journey start now!! Of cos is after some wefie lah~ lolx 

当然,因为自拍和互拍都非常的重要,所以,在船上当然和免不了啦~ 哈哈哈哈 ~

Of cos, due to the fact that selfie/wefie/You fie I and I fie You is very important, so.... we won't be skipping that on the boad~ hahahaha~ 


It took us about 10mins to arrive Pulau Ubin~~

Negotiation for the taxi fare~ 

The journey is about 3km and the price is SGD20 for all 7 of us (we have another member will come by himself at night)

As I am always partial handicap (I had pretty severe injuries for my right shoulder & right knee), I will stay around with our pretty Ms. Amber to "jaga" (take care in Malay) all our belongings. The rest of the macho guys went to the tents setup.

For awhile later, a few of our macho guys came and help us to carry everything to the camp site.

真是发现有个残障儿童非常的欠打~ 人人都忙着在扎营~ 他却在哪儿东张西望~ 哈哈~
Looks like this disabled kid really deserve a punch~ everybody were busying setting up the camp~ and he was just standing there looking around~~ hahahahaa~~

还好,到最后,这残缺儿童发现被偷拍后,还是找到了他能胜任的小事情~ 呵呵呵 ~
Fortunately, he sensed someone was taking candid of him, and he is able to find some small little stuff to help out~ hahahahaz~

Aduh!!~ Terima Kasih Tuhan!! Oh~~!! Thanks God, the camps are finally done setting up!!!

感觉就像是小时候自己建造了一间屋子一般的高兴~ 呵呵呵 ~ 看我们的Manoj (http://naturesamore.blogspot.sg/)笑得~~ :DDD
Feel like a young kid that we had build a house~ lolx~ see how happy was our Manoj (http://naturesamore.blogspot.sg/) ~ :DDD

哈哈~ 我的强项当然就是继续的自拍啦~ 哈哈哈哈~
Hahahaha~ my expertise of cos is to continue wefie loh~ hahahahaa~~

这过后,我们比较累3人组留下来休息和小睡了一会儿。其他人都纷纷迫不及待的冲森林去了。以下是同伴们一些图片分享~ 好美丽的森林呀~!!
Then, 3 of us "the very tired 3 person group" stay at the camp site for some energy saving. The rest just can't wait to rush the forest asap~ haha~ below are some of the photos they have shared~ gorgeous forest!!!

Next, our fattening dinner is served!! Yeah!!

晚餐后,冲山拍虫去!!可是~ 一万个但是~~~ 天呀!怎么就是不做美呐?!~ 一整晚都在下雨乜~~ 懊恼 ~~
After dinner,let's the battle begin!!! Chiong ahhh!! But~ a thousands Buts~~ Gosh! It just kept raining and raining and raining ~ alamak!

31 Dec虽然没能拍到美美的虫照~ 不过我和另外5位伙伴就在那微微细到不能再细的雨中天南地北的促夜长谈~ 直到天亮 ~ 直到公鸡叫和百鸟纷鸣 ~ 

31 Dec,Although there isn't any nice insect photos~ me and 5 of our teammates chit chatted the whole night under the super very tiny rain~ we talked about almost everything and anything until the rosters crow and birds sing~ 

接下来,就是早餐咯~ 饿坏了 ~~
Next, breakfast!!~ so hungry~~~

对咯~ 早餐后~ 自拍后就会新加坡本土大陆了~ ~
Yeah~ after breakfast~ time to wefie and go back~ 

虽然这次没有拍摄到什么图片,不过这经历还真的特别不错。有时候,不是图美或不美~ 结伴同行的伙伴们才是重点 ~ (岁啦~ Huat呀~ 爽啦~~ 大赞啦~~~ !!)~
Although I didn't managed to take any nice photo, however, the experience was really a nice one. Guess sometimes it is not whether how nice is the photos taken, it is how nice the companions are~ (swee lah! huat ahh! shiong ahhh!! thumbs up lahh!!!)~

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