Thursday, December 21, 2017

评述:Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1 + Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro | Review: Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1 + Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro

来来来~ 评述时间!~ 这次看的是 Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1 + Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro 在微距拍摄的感想。接下来是我这2天在Bukit Tinggi拍摄所得的心得。

Come come come~ time for a review! ~ This round we are looking at the performance in Macro Photography for Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1 + Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro。Below information is how I feel after a 2 days shooting at Bukit Tinggi.


Basically, this little EM5 provides a 17.2MP is kind of tempting. However, to me, below listed features are essential for a pleasant Macro Photography:
1. Light, convenient and not too heavy.
2. Easy to setup.
3. At least water splash resistant.
4. Ready for ragged uses.
5. General design is easy for us to make our diffuser, reflector and space for focusing light.
6. Stable exposure of output/photos.
7. Stable white balance.
8. Flexibility of working distance.
9. Duration of batteries.

1。轻巧方便,不会太重 | 1. Light, convenient and not too heavy
It is a very light and convenient setup. You won't have any complains about it.

2。容易安装 | 2. Easy to setup
相机方面没有什么大的问题,都非常的方便。而镜头方面呢,1:1其实已经可以放的蛮大了。但如果玩家还是希望安装Raynox的话就需要适配器环(adapter ring)。在这点上,会有些麻烦。
There won't be any issues for the camera, it is convenient. As for the lens, 1:1 actually already has provided quite a decent magnification. However, if players would like to install Raynox, then we will need to put in an adapter ring. As for this one, it could be a little troublesome.

3。防水 | 3. At least water splash resistant
EM5和60mm macro镜头是有防水功能。即使在下雨时外带拍摄都不会有问题。不过,切勿尝试外带去潜水或把相机盖子打开拿来透水哟~ 哈哈哈 ~ 
Both EM5 and 60mm Macro are splash resistant. It will not be a problem even you bring it out during rain. However, don't try bringing them to snookering or trying to open the camera cap for your cup of tap water~ lolx~ 

4。能小粗用而不会太柔弱 | 4. Ready for ragged uses
For myself, this setup is too small to handle, user might get a hand sour when we hold it for a period of time. Good thing is that we can easily buy a grip for it to make it more handling friendly (

5。设计得能够容易让自己设计出柔光罩、反光片和有空间放聚焦光 | 5. General design is easy for us to make our diffuser, reflector and space for focusing light
It is just a smaller DLSR look. Designing our own diffuser and reflector is easy. Just that what we need to take note here is the durability of the diffuser and reflector as they goes smaller too. As for the focusing light, I normally stick a small torch with velcro to the side of the flash; so, this is not a problem too.

6。相机出来图爆光的稳定度 | 6. Stable exposure of output/photos
For this one, my personal demand of a camera setup is that it must have a stable output/photos. For example, when the flash is set to 1/8 output, and we take 3 continuous shoots, the exposure in the pictures' foreground, background and subject must be the same, and not much of a differences. It must not exceed the acceptable range of The Exposure Triangle concept.
My personal feelings for this one is that the camera's exposure is not very stable. It was ok for the foreground and subject. But the exposure for background is pretty unstable. Even for a same photo/composition, I can easily realized an obvious different of exposure for the background.

7。白平衡的准确性 | 7. Stable white balance
我个人要求相机的白平衡必须准确,最大容忍度在于10张接近的图中,只有1张能是失败作品。而且Kelvin WB不能和其他相机相差太远。
在拍摄中,非常明显的发现这架相机有偏黄的现象。和普通单眼的Kelvin WB设定相差大概有个700-900数位的白平衡。而且,即使已经设置好了适当的白平衡,不时也会看到照片偏黄而需要重复再拍摄过。这点,确实有些让我有点抓破了头。不过还好发现后还算可以控制。
My personal preference for white balance is that it must be accurate, my best tolerance 1 out of 10 if it fails. Besides, preferably Kelvin WB shouldn't be too much of a difference compare to any other interchangeable camera.
During the shoot, it is very obvious that this camera love the warm side. Different Kelvin WB ratio is at around 700-900. Even when I had already setup to the suitable WB, often I still can see photos that went yellowish and need to retake. For this one, it really puzzled me for a few moments. It is pretty challenging to handle, however just work with it and retake more helps.

8。操作距离/范围的灵活性 | 8. Flexibility of working distance
Not bad for the working distance and focusing area. It might be slight too close during 1:1, but if user is experience enough, it shouldn't scares the bugs away (as long as the bugs are not overly excited/frighten). Focusing area is just nice. Users should be able to work with lots of different angles, composition and magnification.

9。电池持续性 | 9. Duration of batteries
这里要喊的口号是。。。“支持正版! 支持正版! 支持正版!”。哈哈哈~ 重要的事情要说3次!
At this point, the slogan to shout out loud is....."Support Genuine! Support Genuine! Support Genuine!". Hahaha~ important stuffs must shout out 3 times!
Battery is a little of a disappointment. Genuine battery only stays for about 250-300 shoots. Third party battery is worst, about 80-100 and you can confirm a straight shutdown. I tried to keep turn on and off the camera for energy saving. Preparing 2-3 spare batteries is essential.

结论 | Summary
笼统的说,Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1 + Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro是一个不错的设定。镜头是非常好的没话说。相机虽然某些地方有些遗憾,但是,如果加入轻巧、防水和价格来看,那我们还能还有多么苛刻的要求呢?这组合应该可以为很多用户带来不错的微距摄影体验。
Generally speaking, Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1 + Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro is consider a not too bad of a setup. Definitely no complains about the 60mm macro lens. Although there are a few areas that might not be as ideal, however, when we add on ligh & conveniency, water splash resistant, and price; what else more can we complaint about? I believe this setup can bring a great Marco Photography experience to a lot of users.

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