Sunday, December 17, 2017

马来西亚,文东,法国村之行 | Malaysia, Bentong, French Village | 8-10 December 2017


Malaysia, an equator country, a multi-ethnic and resource-rich country. There are lots of tropical rainforests here, lots of buggies and many different species too.

这一次,是应我微距团MAC ( 的朋友们组织的微距(“卖狗”)摄影旅行。负责安排的几位老爷夫人们整整花了好几个月从地点选择到安排住宿和交通,真是辛苦了~ 非常感恩。

This round, this Macro Photography trip (in chinese the pronunciation of Macro is similar to the pronounciation of Selling Dog) is organized by our Macro FB Group MAC ( Many thousands thanks to our kind lady and gentlemen who spent so much time on selecting the location, accommodation and transport to make this trip a success.

在这旅程中,还有一个极大的任务需要搞一搞,也就是因为自己之前屁股痒,为了时装人像拍摄,基于相机像素、相机传感器和厂商营销策略的种种原因,从Canon跳家去了Nikon,便也把原有的Canon 6D和Canon 100mm F2.8 Macro Non-L给卖了。所以,现在在卖狗上,我是无相机人士。呵呵呵呵~~ 幸好我们团中美女借了我她的Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1和Olympus M.Zuiko ED 60mm f2.8 Macro让我尝试。

For this trip, there is another big mission for myself too. Due to my itchy backside, I switched from Canon to Nikon because of the megapixels, camera sensors and the marketing style of the manufacturer. I sold everything of my Canon set including Canon 6D and Canon 100mm F2.8 Macro Non-L. So..... I am a empty handed person without a camera in Macro Photography now... hahaha... However, luckily, we got a beautiful lady in our MAC group who willing to lend me her Olympus OMD EM5 Mark 1 and Olympus M.Zuiko ED 60mm F2.8 Macro for a test.

8 Dec 早上4:30am,我们从新加坡第2通道(Tuas Link)出马来西亚。呀,当然咯~ 大家的睡意简直就是你浓我浓呀呀呀呀~ 哈哈哈哈 ~

8 Dec Morning 4:30am, we went by Second Link (Tuas Link) to Malaysia. Of cos, everybody are still so sleepy and continuing exploring in wonderland~~ hahahaha~

接下来,我想说的是。。。。。。。“诶!怎么那么快就到啦??”。。。呵呵呵~ 可想而知我在车上是睡得多好呀~ 哈哈哈哈~ (车程其实整6-7小时~)~

Next, what I would like to say is........ "Ehh!!! We reached so fast??!".... hahaha~ can imagine that what a sweet dream I had during the journey~ woohoo!! (it actually took 6-7 hours to reach there).

最搞笑的是。。。。我居然到了这里后才知道原来我们是要来 法国村 乜~ 多么大的惊喜+哀婉呀~ 早知道就连我人像机Nikon D810也带来啦啦啦啦~ 大晕~~ 话不多说~ 和朋友来张selfie先~

The funniest part is that............... I only realized that we are actually going to French Village (as I didn't related Bukit Tinggi is French Village)~~ what a surprise + alamak/oh gosh/you name it~~~ I wish I brought my Nikon D810 for portraits~ hahahaha~ fainted big time~ Ok, stop the nonsense, grab a friend for a selfie first!!~ 

然后,就是狼吞虎咽的午餐 (PS:本人是吃乳制品和鸡蛋的素食者 - 也叫锅边斋)。

Then, oh yeah~ LUNCH!!! Guess everyone could eat a horse~ (PS: I am a vegetarian who take eggs and dairy products).

酒店check in后,各自回巢小歇后,到了晚餐时间咯 ~ 看大家兴奋的样子~ 哈哈 ~

After check in, we all back to our cozy rooms for a nap. Till evening~ see our excited faces~ hahaha~

终于准备冲山去了。不过,懊恼的是,原来酒店附近的路旁小坡丛林,基本上根本就是除了蚊子。。。。。还是蚊子。今晚直接吃蛋啦~ 哈哈~ 晕~ 回酒店睡觉啦~ 呵呵呵~ 先把所有电池充好啦~~ 明天会更好!

Finally time for the forest rush. But, too bad that places around the hotel are just quiet. Besides, mosquitoes , there are still mosquitoes.... Just another empty night~ haha~ rather back to the hotel and sleep early~ However, let's charge our batteries first....!

9 Dec 早上,早餐咯~~~ 起床就马上得找吃的我~ 一定要吃饱饱!!大家都说要去冲拍日出。结果,老天不作美啦~ 没有火烧云。所以,早餐是,我就拍摄了我自己版本的日出咯。。。。看到那2粒黄黄荷包蛋吗?哈哈哈哈哈 ~~~ 😂😂😂

9 Dec morning, BREAKFAST!!! I am a person who will look for breakfast once I wake up~ and definitely I will go for the most filling one. lolx!!~ Everybody are actually hoping to do some sunrise, however, the luck is just not with us as we got a bad sky that morning~ So.... I took my own version of sunrise~~ look how lovely the 2 sunny side eggs are~ hahahahaha~ 😂😂😂

当然也少不了合照下咯 ~ 
Ok, time to wefie~~

好!接下来,终于来到了Botanical Garden, Berjaya Hill。开拍咯!!!诶诶,你们的镜头是要开战了吗?!哈哈 ~ 看看鸟摄的大伙们之阵容,我这个微距minimalist (极简主义者)很像只有在旁观摩的份罢了~ 哈哈哈哈~~

Ok, next, we are at Botanical Garden, Berjaya Hill. Let's the shooting start!! Eh Eh~ are you guys going to a war with those lenses?! hahaha~ take a look at force of the birding team~ As a Macro minimalist, I can only stand aside and watch~ lolx~

好!废话说太多了啦~ 开拍了啦~~ 哈哈~~ (虫图在文章尾段分享)。
Ok! Enough nonsense~ start shoot~ haha~ (photos will be shown at the end of the article).

下午,大家就随便落脚鸡饭档吃午餐。可怜我素食者。。。找没有东西吃。幸好老板娘慈悲,愿意特别为我煮碗菜汤配饭。总算还是吃的好好滴。容后,大伙儿突然发现了一挡榴莲摊。哈哈哈哈~ 够力!(排写不好意思hor~~~ 吃榴莲中~~ 没空做太多记录咯~~)~

Noon, we just popped into a chicken rice restaurant for lunch. Pity me as a vegetarian... nothing suitable to eat. Luckily, the merciful lady boss is willing to custom made me a vegetable soup with rice. Still a very good meal. After lunch, we suddenly noticed that there was a durian store right beside the road. Jialat liao!! ~ (sorry hor~~~ nom nom nom yum yum~ eating durian hor~ no time to take photo hor~~) ~

吃饱喝足后,当然就是回旅店午歇咯。毕竟全队人大多中年人士啦~ 哈哈 ~ 晚上再拼过!(中途记忆静止中。。。。。。Zzzzzzzz。。。。。快进打带~~)。。。。。
诶!! 晚上了吗?!好快哟!
这晚特别感动。。。大伙儿知道我吃素,特地选了家素食馆吃晚餐。还好隔壁有Ramly Burger,晚餐后年轻的队员们都飞奔到档口下单。哈哈哈哈哈~ 
衷心的感恩大家。是很贴心下咯~ 哈哈哈哈 ~

After our full and satisfying lunch, we were back into the hotel of cos as most of us are at our mid ages~~ haha ~ will leave the rest to the coming evening~ (beeeeeeep~~~ Zzzzz~ fast forwarding now~ short term memory lost~~ buzzzz~~~)

Eh??!! Good Evening!! Why so fast one??!

This was a touching night... everyone know that I am a vegetarian and have decided to goto a vegan restaurant for dinner. Luckily there was a Ramly burger store besides the vegan restaurant. So, our younger menbers did their after dinner rush to the burger store for a second dinner~ wakakakaka~

Great thanks and appreciation for the thoughtful act to everybody~ feel so loved~ woohoo!

Ok,继续开拍!这次我们在 Sungai Tua Ulu Yam。这里的森林真不错。即使下雨,依然可以找到满多的虫虫。单单新加坡极少才能遇到的 蝉 (Cicada) 就遇到了2只。也有很多的 萤火虫幼虫 (Firefly Larvae)和青蛙。这次要感激我们在当地的摄友Omik Liaw ( 特地过来带路,让我们这些山龟们能很顺利的到达地点。

Ok, let the shooting continue! We were at Sungai Tua Ulu Yam. Good raw forest down here. Even after rain, we still can find plenty of buggies. We even met 2 Cicadas. Lots of Firefly Larvae and Frogs. Many lots and tons of thanks to our friend Omik Liaw ( for his guidance into the place. 



We were in there until 3am plus plus. Please lah~ so hungry liao~ makan lah~ supper time!!! 


Again, wefie time~~ hehehehehe~


Then, we head back to the hotel and circuit off speedingly.......... ZZzzzzzz~ lolx~

10 Dec 早上,早餐后就回新加坡。完全感觉不到我的脚了。我的妈呀呀呀 ~

10 Dec morning, after breakfast and we are going back to Singapore. Oh gosh! I can't feel my legs at all. Man~~ 

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